A couple of weeks ago I bought a gingerbread house kit for my mother, Megan, Will and Stephanie to work on during the weekend of Megan's birthday. Well, Stephanie was only here about two days and then had to go back to Tampa and the rest of the time the whole family was so busy that we just did not have any time to make the house. Well, today was the big day. Stephanie had never made one before and Judy was up to the challenge so I put them in charge. Megan and Will of course was willing to help (and taste all of the goodies!). They started out reading the directions and realizing that it would an all afternoon affair. The icing would have to dry after putting together the support wall before the roof could go on. After this discovery there were all sorts of problems. The icing was too thick, then too thin. The walls would not stand up so they had to use cans to prop them up. When they finally started decorating the house, the icing had become thin enough to slide off of the house when gum drops and other candies were applied. I think Megan and Will had a blast just putting everything on the house. And once Judy and Stephanie realized that the house was not going to look just like the house on the box, then they had a great time too. The whole project was to spend time together and having fun, and I think that the goal was achieved!
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