Walt Disney World's Hollywood Studios - Day 3
Today is the last day of our vacation. We went to Hollywood studios so Will could meet his favorite characters, Lighting McQueen and Mater from the movie Cars. He was so excited. He couldn't believe it when he saw them. They are life sized and make the car noises from the movie. He petted Lighting McQueen and then touched Mater. Will grinned and said "I touched him teeth!" Megan enjoyed meeting the cars as well, although she didn't want to admit it. She said it was for boys and not girls. We had to remind her that we saw the princesses yesterday so she could see some of the things that Will likes today.
Next, we found the "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" playground. Will and Megan have not seen the movie yet, but they really enjoyed playing in the over sized backyard. They saw a huge ant and slide down film from a film canister. They ran around giant plants and crawled up and down spider webs. What a great time although it was quite crowded. We had Stephanie stationed at the exit and David and I went with one kid so that we could keep track of them. I sure didn't want to lose them in Hollywood Studios.

After the play area we went to see the stunt driving show. We thought that Will would enjoy watching the cars race around a movie set. It was really neat to see how the drivers choreograph their driving with each other and the props on the set. We got to see explosions, motorcycle chases, car chases and even a gun fight! It was great. Will really enjoyed watching although Megan complained that it was for boys. I did catch her watching and enjoying herself, but she would not admit it. After the show, we went to see the Little Mermaid show and Playhouse Disney show. Both children loved them. They sang and danced with Playhouse Disney and were fascinated by the fish scene in the Little Mermaid. 
David and I did get to ride the Aerosmith Rockin' Rollercoaster. That was really cool! It went so fast! You were off it what seemed 0 to 60 in 3 secs. With the music and the speed it was awesome. David went on to do the Tower of Terror. He really liked that. Stephanie and I were not much into be randomly dropped with different heights. We took the kids and made our way to the front of the park. Since it had gotten so cold we were jumping from store to store to try to keep warm. I thought Florida was always 80 degrees, even in winter. Oh, well, better information for next time.
We got to meet Buzz and Woody from Toy Story. Megan enjoyed the movie, but wasn't her favorite, but Will really got into meeting the characters. I will have to show Will the Toy Story movies before the new one comes out this summer. I think that he will really get into them. During the line there were opportunities to take pictures in different sets so I got a really cute one of Megan being tied to a rocket. Maybe I should send her to outerspace when she is acting bad.
Overall, we had the best trip imaginable. The children were great. There wasn't any fussing, arguing, fighting, or whining. David thought that they did so well that he bought them a special book. He surprised them when we got back to the motel that evening. They were surprised and thrilled. They really want to go back to Disney again. Maybe in a couple of years when we can save up some more money and they have another great deal.
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