Wednesday Megan, Will and I went to the pumpkin patch. The church where they go to preschool sponsors a pumpkin patch and the proceeds go to missions. We went last year with David and had a really great time. This year, because of his work schedule, David was unable to come with us. So I decided to go one day after school. We met up with a friend and took some pictures of the kids. She got a lot more pictures than me. Will decided to run around like crazy. He was headed for the tree one moment then the road the next. Megan was also running around wild. She wanted to pick this pumpkin or that one, then wanted to hear a story in the story tent. Well, after about 45 minutes of trying to catch air, the picture above is about the only good picture I got of both of them. I did get one good one of Megan and Emily and another little boy hearing a story. They looked so sweet.
At Megan and Will's preschool they get to visit the pumpkin patch and pick out their very own pumpkin. Every year since Megan was 1 I have let her paint her pumpkin. We have used our fingers when she was smaller, but now we use brushes and even change colors. We usually use washable finger paints, which crack and melt if you put them outside. Learned that the hard way! Anyway, last year Will wasn't into paining his pumpkin, but this year he really had a blast. Here are some pictures of them painting.
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