Today is Halloween. I can not believe that it has come again. I officially finished the costumes at 2:00 am this morning. Megan decided to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. If you know Megan, she is princess material. She told me what type of dress that she wanted and then started planning all of the costumes for the next 5 years. I bought her these really cool shoes from Disney Online. They light up everytime she takes a step. She thought that they were awesome! I also bought her a new tiara. She broke the last one and you just have to have a tiara if you are a princess. I decided that this year Will would be Fix-It Duck.
Fix-It Duck is a book by Jez Albougouh about a duck that trys to fix the problem but always makes the situation worst. One of our favorite reads! Anyway, I thought that he would be cute dressed as a duck with a little knit cap and carring around a hammer.
Both children got to wear their costumes to school today. Megan's class got to parade around the school and have picutres on the front steps. Will's class just wore their costumes to school. I wonder how long he lasted with his on? Maybe 5 minutes? Tonight we are going to a fall festival sponsored by a local church. We went last year and had a fablous time! This year we also had a really great time. The kids rode the hay ride. David said both Megan and Will loved it. We also got to have a yummy hot dog supper. The highlight of the evening was trunk or treat. Trunk or treat is where people pull their cars into the parking lot, dress them all up (this was a church so nothing scary) with lights and pumpkin, and then hand out candy and treats. It is really great and you don't have to go door to door like you would regularly on Halloween.
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