Today I decided to have an art project for Megan and Will. I like the idea of mosaics so a few days ago I tried getting Megan to make a mosaic on a sheet of 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper using cut off bits of wrapping and tissue paper left over from Christmas. She liked gluing the bits but did not like the end result. She said that it was too messy and looked ugly. (Hmmm, is she a perfectionist?) This time I decided to have a little more structure to the project. I printed out some winter snowmen pictures from Preschool Coloring Book(
http://www.preschoolcoloringbook.com) and told Megan to make them fancy by gluing the paper bits all over the snowman. She could also use markers to decorate. She was really excited and made a really cute picture. She took the activity further by drawing some pictures of her own and making Will and I decorate the pictures with the colored pieces of paper. Will's picture was a puppy and mine was a cat. Will enjoyed coloring his snowman and using the glue stick, but he really didn't care for sticking the paper on the snowman. I did some of that for him. His picture turned out really well though.

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