Today I woke up to a light snow flurry. "It's snowing!" Wow it hardly ever snows here in South Carolina. When Megan came into my room I showed her the snow falling outside the window. She was so excited! She wanted to go outside right then. But we decided to get dressed and have some breakfast first. Will and Megan watched the snow fall outside the windows while I fixed them something to eat. Then we got dressed to go to school and went outside. They ran around for until the snow almost stopped. They tried catching snow on their tongues and in their hands. It was really fun to watch them. I even caught a few snow flakes. It was so much fun. We were even late to school!

You can really see the snow coming down looking at the house across the street. It got really think for about 15 minutes, but of course good things cannot last. It did snow off and on throughout the day, but the ground was not cold enough for it to stick. Oh, well, the winter is not over yet! Think cold and frosty thoughts.
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