New Year's Resolutions

OK, so I am running late on doing New Year's Resolutions. I am trying to be realistic on coming up with some, but I know that they will not be fulfilled. Why do we even do New Year's Resolutions? They are a bunch of empty promises that we try to fulfill but, at least in my case, never keep all year. For example, last year I wanted to make and finish a quilt for Will. He does not have a put together room like Megan did when she was born so I wanted to get a quilt done to put on his big boy bed. Well, I thought I had until June before we transitioned him into a big boy bed to even start on the quilt. That didn't work. He got made at me one evening, pulled himself out of the bed and fell on the floor. No more crib. Hello big boy bed. Not a good transition. Therefore, resolution did not happen, no quilt.

Maybe this year will be different. Here are a couple of resolutions that I might be able to keep. We shall see. I will have to keep everyone posted throughout the year to see if I can fulfill my obligation.
  1. Lose 10-15 pounds and keep them off all year.
  2. Exercise 3-4 times per week for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Do more crafts with Megan and Will.
  4. Eat healthy.
  5. Finish unfinished projects. (Now I have a very long list here!)
  6. Sell current house and purchase new one (there goes finishing a project before starting a new one!)
  7. During the summer, go on a nature hike or adventure, with Megan and Will once a week.


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