Last week was spring break and David planned to take Will on his first camping trip. For us, the first camping trip is in the back yard, not at a camp ground. The theory is, if the first trip turns out horribly wrong, then you can go inside and go to your own bed. Simple and easy. Will was very excited. He got a sleeping bag last year for his birthday but has not had a chance to use it yet. David decided to put the tent up in the front yard. Megan and Will carried their camping gear from the garage, by bike, all the way to the camp site. As you can imagine, they needed a lot of stuff, books, flashlights, loveys, everything.

When it started to get dark, I took them inside the house and gave them their baths. Then they went outside with David to have marshmallows and graham crackers. At the old house, Megan and David used to make smores over a camp fire, but since we live in the city limits, we figured that might not be a good idea.

After eating their snack, David took them on a wild animal hunt. They found wolves (three puppies in the back yard) and all sorts of other creatures. Then they went back to the tent and settled in for the evening, reading books and telling stories. The night did go very well. David did end up bringing Will inside the house though. David woke up to find him out of his sleeping bag, no socks on and very cold. David was afraid that he might get sick again and then we would be back in the hospital. David just decided to bring him inside with me. Will was pretty happy. He got to curl up in bed with his mama, so no harm done. Maybe they can try camping when it gets a little warmer outside and then Will can stay all night long.

By the way, Megan loves to camp. She always asks when David will be taking her again. Maybe we can plan a trip to Santee this summer so they can enjoy a real campground. I, really do not enjoy camping, but if it will make them happy, I will go along. I love seeing the smiles on their faces.
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