Megan the Shinning Star
Megan has finished another year of ballet with Ms. Tamalyn's. She had a great time in A1 ballet this year. A lot of her friends moved up with her and they had a really great class. Their class danced to Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me To The Moon." The girls were dressed as shinning stars. Their costumes were gold and silver with bright shiny sequins that could blind you if looked directly at them in the light. I thought Megan did a fabulous job dancing! She was so precise in her movements and dance steps. When she jumped her toes were even pointed! Wow she amazes me every time I watch her dance. I cannot wait to watch her grow as a dancer and see her dancing on pointe. She is and will be a beautiful dancer.
Here are some pictures that David took. Don't you just love the smile of joy on Megan's face! He was trying to talk me into letting him get a new camera that will take better pictures in the dark. Why not? I forsee a lot of pictures of stage preformaces in our future. 

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