A couple of weeks ago, David and I took Megan and Will to the circus. I barely remember going to the circus when I was small. I seem to remember clowns going around in a car and then looking up at the coliseum in Jackson thinking that the structure was really cool and how do they get up there to change all of the hanging lights. In other words, the circus did not impress me. This time when we went to the circus, I loved it! It was a great show. My favorite part was at the beginning where the acrobats twirled around on rings suspended from the ceiling.

Megan liked the acrobats and the ponies. The show remined me a little of Cirque de Solei. The costumes were great and the music mixed well into each act. I would definitely recommend the show to anyone.

Will also liked the acrobats that danced in the rings. He enjoyed watching motorcycles go around in a steel sphere. They started out with four motorcycles then finished with seven! David liked the body benders and motorcycles, too. Maybe when the circus comes to town we can go back and see another show. I think that would be fun!
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