Today was Megan's kindergarten teacher's last day of school. She was offered a great opportunity to teach 5th grade at a local private school, which she took. All of her class is sad to see her go. She is a wonderful and fun teacher. Megan has learned a lot from her. She can already read! They also have a lot of fun drawing and writing about stories that they hear in class. Megan decided to get her a goodbye gift. She picked out a pair of earrings and a necklace. The necklace was in the shape of a heart. She said that the heart meant that she loved Ms. AnnaMargaret and that it would show her that she loved her. Megan also made a sweet card to go with the gift. The parents of the class decided to give a surprise party for Ms. AnnaMargaret. We showed up at tea party time with a cake and an assortment of yummy treats. The cake was made by another mom in class. It was wonderful! AnnaMargaret was really surprised. We will miss her teacher, but we hope that she will have a great new class at the new school.
I do not know how Megan will do with the change. She does not like change, just like her daddy. Her new teacher will be in some this week, but Megan will be gone for the last three days (we get to go to Disney, but that story is for another post). I anticipate a rough couple of weeks, but maybe she will surprise me and be a great little trooper. Her new teacher has substituted for her class several times. Ms. Jennifer was also the old Kindergarten teacher at St. Andrews before her retirement. I always heard really great things about her, so I am not worried about the transition. I know that Megan will be in good hands and should finish the year with flying colors.
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