The First Day of School
Wow, school has offically started. After a busy summer of traveling and working on our new home Megan and Will are off to school. Megan started kindergarten this year. She was a little excited but also a little nervous. A lot of her friends from her class last year is at a different school for kindergarten. I did mention that this year she would be able to start reading. She loves books. Megan did let me know that she already knows how to read. She can tell the story through looking at the pictures in the book, which I did mention was true. I told her that she would be able to read the words on the pages of the book. That idea sounded interesting, but I don't know if she is totally sold on it though. She has a great imagination and reading the words on the pages can only set you down for one type of story.
Will is in the 3 year old preschool class this year. He was excited to go and play with new toys and to have snack. He does like his food. When I dropped him off for his first day he walked over to the toys. I asked him if he was going to play and he said yes. I then told him I was going to walk Megan to class and I would see him later. He said, "Bye, Mom," and smiled his sweet smile. He then went to play. He never looked back. I am really proud of my little independent boy.
Megan and I went next to her classroom. I was able to get a quick picture with her and her teacher, Mrs. AnnaMargaret. I then tried to get a picture of Megan at her desk, but she said no. I then asked if she wanted me to leave and she said "Yes. Bye." That was that. I waved bye and left. She is also very independent for which I am grateful and really proud.
When I picked up both children they had enjoyed their day. This year Will actually talked about what he did at school. He said that he played with the construction stuff, cars, and had a snack. He even mentioned what he had for snack, goldfish, cookies, and drink. That is much more than I got out of him last year. Megan said that she had a really great time too, but she did let me know that Mrs. AnnaMargaret had not yet taught her to read. I mentioned that it might be around Christmas before she will be able to read really well. She also said that she played with some of her friends from school last year and made one or two new ones this year. I think that both of the children will have a great time at school.

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