St. Patrick's Day during Shelter in Place

Day 2

Saint Patrick's Day
Setting a Schedule and Beginning Spring Cleaning

First off, Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  I had to chase Will around the house this morning because he did not have any green on.  He almost got pinched.  David tried to pull the "I have bile in my body and bile is green," bit but that was not happening.  Will gave him a little pinch just for that really lame excuse.  LOL.  A message went through the neighborhood Facebook page about posting shamrocks in people's windows so that later in the day the kids could go around and do a shamrock hunt.  I had Megan make two shamrocks and we placed them in the front door window and the dinning room window.  I think that was a great idea and I hope the kids had a nice time outside during the hunt.

Schedules.  I believe in schedules.  I also believe in having a bit of wiggle room to do fun and spontaneous things.  But we can do spontaneous things once we have a schedule. Hmmm, that really goes against the definition of spontaneous doesn't it?  Oh, well..... I started us down the planned path, making sure both kids were up by 9 am, had breakfast, were dressed (pajamas only on Saturday), and had made their beds.  Next, it was onto planning the rest of the day!  I will share my tentative timeline below.  We will see how close I stick to it during the rest of the week.

5:50 am - David's up
6:30 am - David is starting work in the home office
7:30 am - I'm up
8:00 am - wake up children, exercise for me
9:00 am - 12:00 pm - all children should be fed, dressed, beds made and ready to work on schoolwork
12:00 pm - lunch for everyone
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - personal time (watching a movie, reading, drawing, gaming, etc)
3:00 pm - snack (yes, my teens still like snack time)
3:30 - 5:00 pm - exercise of some sort for both kids
6:00 pm - dinner
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - family time (watching TV or a movie, family games, etc)
10:00 pm - bedtime

That seems like a pretty simple schedule.  Tomorrow we will see how long school takes each child to finish their daily assignments.  I will brag a bit, both of my kids like to work independently and they are looking forward to doing their assignments individually and at their own pace.  Will is even hoping to finish up his Algebra I ALEX modules so maybe he can start Geometry.  I told him to go for it!

So what did I do today?  Well, I started Spring Cleaning!!!!  Yes!!!!  I have been so busy lately that I have not had a chance to really clean my house from top to bottom.  It really needs a good cleaning.  I decided to start with the refrigerator.  I took everything out of the freezer and made a list of all the food we have frozen.  Then I scrubbed the inside down and put everything back in place, nice and neatly.  Next, I cleaned the top part of the refrigerator, throwing out a few expired items and moving some of the meats and cheeses to the freezer so that they will keep longer.  I then cleaned under the bottom of the unit to get rid of the fur that accumulates. I polished up the outside and voila, complete!  I was supper excited to have accomplished that big task today.  I feel so much better once everything is stacked neatly and organized.

David, Will and I finished up Terraforming Mars.  Megan bailed on us and was doing some character designs in her room.  It is a really cool game.  We want to play it again tomorrow.  This evening all four of us watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  David told Megan and Will that the movie was not an instruction manual on how to take the day off.  Megan said it is now one of her favorite movies.  Will liked it too. I think he really liked the Ferrari the best.  He also said he could program a better loop than Ferris had with his doorbell answering system.  I wonder if that will be added as an "extra" assignment?

Now I am off to bed.  I am looking forward to reading my book before bed.  Nice and relaxing.  Right now I am enjoying the slow pace.  Probably by Friday I will want to be a social butterfly but for right now I am going to enjoy the downtime.

Nite y'all!


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