A Wonderful Christmas Day
On Christmas Eve, we put out reindeer food in the front yard for Santa's reindeer. Megan decided to use carrots while Will used his package of food he got from school. The next morning, after getting dressed and opening a few presents, we went back to have a look at the food. There wasn't any food left. The reindeer must have been hungry. For Christmas Eve dinner I made a Low Country Boil, which was great. I got the recipe from a friend who is originally from Delaware. Everyone enjoyed it and went back for seconds.Christmas Day started around 8:30 am. We like to sleep in. I think that helps our day go better if everyone, children included, has enough rest. Megan and Will zoomed down the stairs and ran around the corned into the living room. They were amazed at the things left by Santa. Megan got a retro-Barbie dollhouse with some furniture while Will got a TRIO building set and some more Disney Cars. The item that Megan wanted the most was a Nutcracker, so there was one sitting under the tree. She loved it and said that is exactly what she asked Santa to bring her. Will was happy with his Cars. He is pretty easy to please. He loves to play and build buildings for them and to make a big race, just like in the movie. The whole family enjoyed watching the children open presents and just play. By the end of the day the entire bottom floor of our house was turned into Toyland. It was fun to act like a kid again.
We were able to have some friends come over and share our Christmas Dinner with us. I enjoyed them coming. When friends come over and you get to share a meal and visit on Christmas, I think that really makes the day special. My two favorite presents this year was a portrait of Will that David made to put into the foyer and a Cricut Create that my mother and I will get to share. I wanted to get Megan and Will into the mindset that Christmas is about giving, not receiving, so I helped them to make salt dough ornaments. They also made different drawings and art for each person in the family. For an extra special gift I gave all of the grandparents a photobook for 2008 and 2009 that highlighted some of the things the children did and for Stephanie and my brother Paul and his wife Kylie we did custom hand printed plates. I think that by making their gifts to give each family member helped to make Christmas a little more exciting, especially for Megan. Will is a little young still to be able to enjoy giving. I have added a photobook to highlight some of the pictures over the month of December. I hope that you enjoy and Merry Christmas!
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