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Topic of the Day

Birthday's Are Better Than April Fool's Jokes

Day 17 Will's 14th Birthday! Today is not April Fool's Day at the Andrews house.  No, today is Will's 14th birthday!  When he was born we thought that he was an April Fool's joke.  He came 2 1/2 weeks early and only took 4 1/2 hours to be born unlike Megan who was induced on her due date and it took 13 hours for her to decide to proceed into the world.  He entered the world on his own terms and he continues to be uniquely Will. Since we are sheltering-in-place I decided to make his day as special as possible.  During the night I put streamers over his door and then covered his bed with red tinsel while he was sleeping.  Hehehe.  He said the cat woke him up playing with the streamers during the night!  I do have to have a bit of fun where I can.  In the morning I asked Will what he wanted to eat for the day, his choice since he was the birthday boy.  Will chose bacon for breakfast and chicken-n-dumplins for lunch.  At dinner ...

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